
Saturday, September 22, 2007

S.H.E: 触电

风走在我们前面 甩裙摆画着圆圈 花美得兴高采烈 那香味有点阴险
你在我旁边的旁边 但影子却肩碰肩
偷看一眼 你的唇边是不是也有笑意明显
明明是昨天的事情 怎么今天我还在经历
想问个愚蠢问题 我们再这样下去 你猜会走到哪里

像这样触电 就够我快乐熔化
我们就耐心培养萌芽不要急着开花 反正有长长的日记等我们去填满它
在被全世界发现以前先愉快装傻 就这样触电 一直甜蜜触电 直到爆炸

像一年四个季节 都被你变成夏天 我才会在你面前 总是被晒红了脸
像一百万个秋千 在我心里面叛变 被你指尖 碰到指尖 我瞬间就被荡到天边
明明是昨天的事情 怎么今天我还在经历 一丁点回忆都能惊天又动地
想问个愚蠢问题 我们再这样下去 你猜会走到哪里

太容易的爱故事就不耐人回味啦 像这样触电 就够我快乐熔化
在被全世界发现以前先愉快装傻 就这样触电 一直甜蜜触电 直到爆炸

但请你不要太快揭开还沉默的情话 先让我多着急一下再终于等到解答
太容易的爱故事就不耐人回味啦 像这样触电 就够我快乐熔化
我们就耐心培养萌芽不要急着开花 反正有长长的日记等我们去填满它
在被全世界发现以前先愉快装傻 就这样触电 一直甜蜜触电 直到爆炸

Friday, September 21, 2007


i am having the sniffles.

doing Infectious Disease posting now, hope i don't get any funny bug that decide to leech on to me! but i have localised the bug spewer, must be xtine! better stay one foot away from this girl. ha.

ooo gemisya are you syahida?!!? hello! ha =P

this has been a rather crazy week, i wasn't mentally prepared for ID to be a fierce kind of posting, i was happily imagining myself sauntering home at 2pm everyday, imagining a life of napping and tv shows. boy was i in for a shock! perhaps all these wonderful illusions were fueled by seniors' reassurances that ID was "nothing to do one, very slack, can go home and study! don't go for clinics not useful one!". *gloom* in the end, the ID tutors have caught on to the fact that there were virtually no med students around. we are now despatched to separate hospitals and allocated personal tutors each AND given a log sheet for tutors to sign just so to ensure we do not perform our favourite magic act (disapparation). sigh!!!

ok but don't get me wrong. i really love my ID posting thus far. SGH ID tutors are fantastically wonderful people! well, at least two of them definitely are! my tutors dr kang meiling and dr tan thaun tong were such enthusiastic people! it's rather rare to see tutors who want to give us tutorials everyday and in fact, engage in little "time tussles" between the two of them to see who we should follow first. hah! aw. my group felt very loved. hah! and the teachings were good too! we learnt alot about internal med, not just ID alone. and it was more of an approach-based teaching, so it really got our rusty brains working. the rusting process has been temporarily halted. however, much as i love my ID tutors, i can't see myself as an ID physician. barely a week has passed and i am developing serious itch! reminds me of derm posting! i think i have a psychological aversion and paranoia of germs.

i realised there are many people who have retroviral infections who are just among us. it may be the uncle/auntie you sat with on the bus, the canteen vendor, your neighbour... it suddenly hit me that it's really not a disease that's endemic only on the other side of earth. hmm. i do pity them, it's really a "death sentence". and somehow the disease is so stigmatized i believe public consensus would be to adopt a disdainful attitude towards these people. however, there are people who are just unlucky lah. not all infections are associated with promiscuity after all...

i can never remember the different bugs antibiotics cover. seriously it's so confusing. i wish there was a wonder pill that eliminates everything and that no bug is resistant to! argh.

i am suffering from severe sleep deficit.
early in the week just as i was trying to get over the shock that ID is not a slack posting, my dad developed an irregularly irregular heartbeat which really scared me witless. it's terrible! and my mind just blanked out there and there. it's really not a feeling i care to experience again. and you know the thing about parents is, they really do behave like kids sometimes. no amount of cajoling or scolding of gentle persuasion could convince my dad to go to A&E. i was really frustrated by then. and furthermore he was spiking a fever and had a warm erythematous knee joint! haiyo. it was only when i threaten a cold war did he accede.

sometimes i wish my sis was around more. i feel the stress of trying to make sure everyone is healthy and happy. =( being a kid was so much easier.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

reality check!

i am officially the microbe again. a labcoat-wearing microbe. sigh. shucks.

i have develop Labcoat Aversion, a serious case of it. i can't even remember where i chucked it. it's probably happily growing some mould from ?8 weeks of disuse. CDC here i come!!! (so ulu, probably no food to eat!)

finally went out with the girls today... basically we just planted ourselves in menotti and started talking non-stop. and how exciting! ml is actually going to saudi arabia for 2 weeks! for some work-related thing. she has to go arab street and buy some exotic head-dress that the arab women wear (the black thing that covers you from head to toe, leaving only the eyes) wah. i didn't know it's so strict! i heard women are not allowed to walk alone without a male companion, and if they do get raped when they venture out alone, it's considered their fault. what?!?!

ok culture shock. hope ml takes gd care of herself! so scary. but quite exciting to go to such a different country! wah we are all growing up fast. felt it especially when i look at my friends, see how grown-up their dressing is, and when ml actually bought a suave-looking well-tailored pant-suit. *nostalgic*

time for anti-ageing creams.


yippee paeds osces are over! *do a little jig* muahah

the two weeks of "study break" sure flies by. and i fell sick a total of three times: sorethroat -> diarrhoea -> really bad flu. hmmm that must be a new record for me! maybe i should go check my T and B cells levels... ahah. ohh thanks EN i think we are all recovering! ahah but i have this sinking feeling i am barely holding the flu bug at bay... sigh. darn!

went to brewerkz for lunch today with the mugging gang... havent hang out with them in a long time! there's a nostalgic sense of familiarity... i guess you don't really realise how much you miss people and their little idiosyncrasies until you see them again. shared a pepperoni calzone with cris (my first ever calzone!!!! it looks so cute! like a giant curry puff!) wow can you imagine, me the fusspot eating something new for a change... i have decided to stop being so boring-safe-fussy, and try new things slowly. start with the normal-sounding ones first. heh. just dont ask em to eat sashimi. or snake. or brinjal. or rabbit. or deer. or... ok you get the point.

a conversation with greggie left me feeling rather disturbed! he was telling me that the percentage of guys who frequent geylang for you-know-what is more than i think. His estimate was a 20%. WHAT!??! that's shocking. and apparently there are people whom we both know who go to these places. wah. ok. alright. didn't know it's so rampant. looks like i need to hire a PI to keep an eye on my husband if i ever get married. *shakes head*

went out with vic to go shopping before we meet the hos for dinner... haah ended by walking around raffles city and gossiping and chit-chatting! i think our hearts weren't really into shopping oops. anyway i wonder how vic can still look so awake and chirpy, having only slept 2 hrs!!! wow. oh and i think i saw someone from my past whom i haven't seen in a long long time and was so surprised to see him that i didn't recover my sensibilities in time to call him. ah well.

the sip-treat-ho dinner was at curry favor, a place that serves japanese curry. sigh liqi couldn't make it at the last minute! poor girl was sick, i think it's due to ill-treatment at certain vascular dept in certain hospital. oh dear. and she is on call tmr still! this is scary. junior doctors are overworked, underpaid, and has no MCs. pathetic. at least the consultants are overworked and adequately paid (i think). sigh, the lives of unicellular organisms...

ha i think the restaurant is doing a roaring business! they managed to squeeze us in although they have an existing reservation of 21, and we ended up sitting in a really special place which makes it a very unique dining experience: the corridor (the back-alley). ok well, it's not the kind of sidewalk in front of the restaurant where customers usually dine, but the back of the restaurant! it looks suspiciously like we were plonked unceremoniously at the back cos there was really no more space... although ok lah it wasn't too bad cos it was air-conditioned and clean and didn't really look like a back-alley. i am just rather amused. hee. and i realised all the hos were feeling miserable at their respective postings! heard so many horror stories! everyone misses NUH! i can foresee them making NUH their permanent home in the near future...

after dinner was a nightmare; the whole world is out on a saturday night! there wasn't a place that could accommodate all of us, in the end we walked and walked and jay-walked (with lots of screams and excitement) and ended up in ---------------- thai express. haha i know very duh right! but that's the best place we can find! and by the time haagen dazs called to tell us they have seats for us, we couldn't extricate ourselves anymore. Cos the thai express waiter was hovering around waiting to take orders, and we have already drunk their water. oops. i wonder what would have happened if we upped and left. bloodshed i expect. ha =P

there was a mini scuffle at the cashier when i tried to pay for the drinks. and i lost! *wails* haha joline (despite being ill and sniffly) tailed me to the cashier and managed to convince the cashier to hand her my card and take hers instead!!! wah i feel like such a failure *buries face* but i will learn. stealth is the only way to prevent the hos from paying for you. haah really, i wonder how they earn any money at this rate! i feel soooooooooooo bad.

by the time we left, almost everyone had zonked out. vic has this glossy-eyed appearance and was giving the impression of listening except that she confessed nothing was going in! and laurence was turning glassy-eyed too! (incidental finding: laurence's mum used to own a bookshop in my neighbourhood! what a small world!) hee. and almost all the hos were either pre- or post-call!!! oh man, feel so touched that they turned up despite their busy schedules! must find another day to treat our ho though... i felt like an abandoned child today without my ho!

ok time to sleep. and forget about all the calories that i have chalked up today. it's really time to start gymming again, urticaria or not. anyway my dr has given me the go-ahead, with the caution to take it slow! no more fast run on the treadmill then. i shall crawl. haah.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


my house is shaking! for the past 5minutes!!! and it's not just niggling tremours, it's "i-feel-dizzy" tremours!!!!


portuguese egg tarts!

hah hey thx for ur concern girls! i am ok liao. er txl i think dehydration is negligent. haha it wasn't explosive diarrhoea... shall i give u my stool chart!?! HA!

haiyo time is running out. today is the first day i have not stepped out of the hse to do weird things like cut hair buy hp send my daddy to the dr. aiyo now becoming a little panicky. *takes deep breaths* but seriously! getting kind of tired of studying for the sake of exams! shouldn't we be studying for our interest instead or something...

ok v random, but i am officially a singtel subscriber! YAHOO! *dances around* finally. have been agonising whether to ditch m1, and well i have always been reluctant since i really do like my hp no. but hey! now can retain number so no problem! eeehaaa!

was one of the last customers in hello singtel... and hey! what a coincidence the salesperson was born exactly 1 day earlier than me! and we were both born in KK! (we were prob fellow cribmates or something hah!) it's weird how people establish rapport rapidly over silly things like that! i was so blur that day that i forgot to ask him to help me transfer my contact list. sigh. in the end, i spent like 2plus hrs typing in the contacts stored in my old hp. sheesh. i really should take a tech course or something. it turned out the salesperson didn't photostat my IC! so my application for number retention was booted out by M1 unceremoniously. ha i think his blood must have turned cold when he realised it. Something similar happened to my colleague when i worked in Nokia before i entered NUS, and boy was the customer mad!!! (he lived really farrrrrrrrr away...) but it was ok since he came to get it from me... no time to go out anymore! and i got free portuguese egg tarts! haha he must really feel quite bad about the mistake. goody, i do love egg tarts. (my mum is going insane trying to gobble all of them up, she thinks they are really good. alright, let's all join TAF club together!)

hmm. my whole family is sick/on the brink of illness. ARGH. time to move house. er, friends?! any space!? haha

Sunday, September 09, 2007

d-i-a-r-r-h-o-e-a, ramblings

WAILS. my tummy is soooo punishing me for overeating. sigh.
i think it has turned neurotic, fancies itself as a washing machine. must be, else why does it keep churning...

have decided to really get down to studying, but was visited by the Bug Fairy who bestowed me with her friends Flu and Diarrhoea. sheesh.

i get easily distracted nowadays. can no longer sit down and mug feverishly away! have to keep blasting some music to keep morale up! =P

i wonder, if i am not studying med, where would i be now?

ahhh, childhood dreams.

at the bbq that night, one question was asked: what is your dream?

hmm, plenty!

for instance, i have always wanted to act in a musical! it all looks so jovial and fun and exciting! no sad soppy musicals for me though, give me the laughs anyday! have only ever been involved in one musical in my life, and that was primary sch. passe. haha. and i didn't even get to sing! only the single female lead got to sing... it's my own fault lah, who asked me to be built like a man when i was in pri 6! all tall and strapping and STURDY. urgh. with REALLY short hair somemore. so naturally i got to be the King instead. *shakes head* there was a real shortage of male actors, i think they secretly think it's very unmacho to act. not even the beautiful fake ermine velvet coat was much comfort to my wounded soul. luckily i grew into my role. ha.

and when i was young, i did have the most dirt-common dream of being a popstar, entertaining billions with my music. heh. maybe that's why i joined choir in pri sch, except that i came to realise there were like gazillions of young people having the same dream. too unrealistic.

and i dreamt of being a hotelier, a hall manager who greets patrons by their names and indulge in personal chichat which places them right at home! i love hotels! don't know why... it's just all so grand and pretty.

and then i thought of being a pilot, to fly to every nook and cranny of the world, how exhilarating that would be! until of course, i realised i can't manage without my motion-sickness pills (which would make me too drowsy to see the skies)

i wanted to be an artist, to be able to draw brilliant pictures and have people going ga-ga over my pure genius and talent. but them i realised i never did get fabulous marks in art class. (although i guess kindergarten art class can't be the be all end all of judgement)

there was a teeny period in time when i wanted to be a musician! but i ditched that thought real quick; i just didn't feel i have the talent. tinkering the ivories became a chore when daddy restricts my going-out with friends until i have practised for a stipulated amount of time. anyway, my jie was much better at the piano, i can't even sight-read properly.

if i was born a pint-sized petite pretty little girl, perhaps i could have been a ballerina! (this just seems like one of the must-have dream of little girls) too bad. too late to start dancing on my toes now...

then there was the period when i really wanted to be a world-class baker! except of course they have a classier name; what's that? pastry chef = ...... shootz. can't remember. and this was fueled when i watched My Lovely Samsoon, and the female lead was putting out real beauties in the form of exotic cakes... but then i am not the best baker. ha.

and my most recent dream, to be a photographer! i would hobnob around the world, just me and my camera (of course it would be state-of-art and costing a bomb), taking pictures of scenery and people in their everyday lives. hmm guess love of photography must have been inherited from my dad. i love it when stunning breath-taking scenes are translated into a tangible form. but of course, i don't see how you can effectively capture the feelings, emotions.

it's funny how none of my childhood dreams involve science or medicine. hmm. i have always been more "arty". funny how things change when you grow up. if i had really gone to vjc to study theatre, i may have become a struggling actress now, auditioning for stage productions and mixing with the artistic types! such a drastic difference...

nevermind, i shall continue to be a home-baker and a bathroom singer. zuo ren yao zi zhu chang le =P

Thursday, September 06, 2007

the weighing machine would soon start yelling at me to have only one person standing on it instead of two.


i feel like ChompChomp the monster. *munch munch*

went for the neuro ward nurses' bbq today! (yes somehow my life evolves around eating now) shootz. *pinches my cheeks* looking more like a chipmunk lately! darn. my own fault. have been single-handedly polishing off all the goodies my dad's students baked for him! ARGH i am hopeless. i think i am falling sick from choc products.

liqi didnt make it in the end... poor girl! when i called her at 7plus, she was still in SGH waiting to review post-op patients who have yet to come out from the OT!! .......... ok. remind me never to choose SGH surg as a posting... and she didnt manage to go post-call the day before either! oh dear.

it was good to see everyone again! almost all the drs were present, most of the nurses, and the ward clerk kala(?)! ooooooooo and dr teoh brought his wife!!! i heard she's japanese... dunno if it's true... but she does look the part, v fair and pretty!

i can't believe i miss not going to NUH. ha. and there was sooooooooo much food! and there was a small hill of otah! for some weird reason, i have been having loss of appetite with funny cravings. otah is right up my alley! *drools*

it was only when we were tucking in when i realised this is actually pearl's last day... she has resigned! it's so sad watching them say gdbye. hai. she's going to work in the US instead... and she's from myanmar! wished i had known earlier, would have so much to chitchat with her! i love burmese, they are such nice people. =D and we met the new HO of neuro! it's actually chee siong, i didn't know he was taking over from liqi! i thought liqi was just showing him the ropes so that he can start work smoothly... oh dear judging by what i hear looks like he has it bad. if it were me i would prob feel v stressed! imagine, u are a malaysian and u studied med in ireland, and now u have to work in singapore! it's a hypertension-inducing combination man. luckily he seems to be hanging in there...

played silly games at the bbq, and really makes me feel like a freshman again! havent play such games in yrs! haha ooooo i think i sprain my rigid back when we had to cross under a rope limbo rock-style... i have never been able to do that properly before! it's just like asking an elephant to ride a bicycle lor. haha looks like tmr i need CRIB. and a mountain of medicated plasters. *oww*

sigh. hope we would still be able to hang out like this next time! i really hate my self, i show many signs of premature ageing!!!! brought my camera today, so determined was i to take photos with all of them, in the end. i discovered to my horror that i did not bring my SD card!!

*bangs head against the wall*

let me be.

i am the silliest thing on earth. GAH. i can't stand myself.

and i realised today that while being in love can seem like a very enviable thing, almost everyone has a sad unrequited love story to tell (yep including myself!). and being in love seems to bring with it countless sad moments too... sigh. if only everything is clear-cut, simple. but humans are complicated creatures, don't know what they are thinking of sometimes (ok i am speaking like an alien hah). harrummpphhh. so confusing.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

i feel guilty.

*shakes off guilt*


went ktv-ing with qingyuan, huiling and her younger bro kangyang today... sang for 4 hrs! *whispers hoarsely* taadaa my new sexy voice. hah. it was pretty fun to go ktv with a new bunch of ppl, the songs they pick were really different from those i usually sing with my ktv kakis! and i realised switching allegiance to class 95 means my knowledge about chinese songs that appeared in the past 4 yrs is almost non-existent... unless they are REALLY famous. heard a song which i really liked, by mayday i think! "zi zhu" - meaning be contented with what you have. the tune and lyrics really tug at my heartstrings... ok i know my hanyu pinyin not fantastic, sure get scolded by ZY if he ever sees this...

i wondered if kangyang felt left out, since the three of us have pretty much to talk about but he is sort of a newcomer in the group! and we have generation gap, we are all of the same age but i think he's only 18. WAH so young. i feel ancient. *hunchbacked* hmm. haha but i guess he must have had a gd time lah, he sings v well!!! v Superstar standard! *thumbs up* and all the difficult songs seem like putty to him, make it sound so easy to sing... so it was pretty funny when he suddenly lost his voice towards the end of our ktv, ha =P
and huiling has a very sweet voice! great for singing those very romantic love songs... ahah! actually they can form a brother-sister team lor. i can be their groupie. hee. *waves placards*
and qingyuan! u need to listen to more chinese songs!!! hah ok lah for a rafflesian you can sing chinese songs not bad liao... but tsk why u know only jolin's songs... (ok i am totally ruining ur reputation!!! ahah)

huiling sneakily went out to settle the bill while we were all still warbling our hearts out. (i think we medical students have a "treat us!" face recently! everyone is scrambling to pay our bills! must be our poor tattered clothes heh) HAH! so sly! but thanks for the sweet though girl! lucky we managed to treat her to dinner, else i would have to send QY to stick the money inside her mailbox liao...

chatted quite alot over dinner, and that's when i realise that things aren't always what they seem. as a SIP student, the working world still seem quite alright... but hearing stories from the horse's mouth really proved how naive we are. SIGH. there seems to be politics in every little nook and cranny, it's omniscient! so scary right. i have never ever like politicking. hmm. looks like i should just become a GP, no politics! so much simpler, makes life so much happier... =(((

we were having a fun discussion about names; and guess who shares the same initials as me and huiling?!?!

gosh. i didn't make the connection till today! when huiling told me... it's none other than our current prime minister!!! LHL!!! hah

and huiling's bro's initials: LKY

FWAH! ahah their parents sure gave them good names! =P

it was a gd feeling to stand in the open, enjoying the night breeze and the just looking at the cable cars bobbing about...

ah well. i am officially voiceless. shall not talk tmr. argh looks like i shall not eat bbq tmr. nurses' bbq! gg to see liqi woohoo! and hopefully the rest of the drs will be there too.. hee. argh tired.
time to snooze.


Monday, September 03, 2007

the sky is overcast, gloomy, grey. raindrops are pattering outside, gently and soothing.

a fitting scene.

Mdm N passed away early this morning, just heard from huiling.

most unexpectedly, and i don't quite know how to deal with this. she has always been one of those we all thought would be well enough to go home soon. just yesterday, she was still cheery, insisting on going home, asking me why she can't go home. i remember laughing with her, and feeling apologetic when her dialect became too extensive for me to understand.

she was a very cute auntie, cheerful, optimistic, loves her grandson, enjoys chatting with us, and never fails to say thank you even when we do things she doesn't particularly like, like setting plugs on her.

it is something else when a patient you have known passed on, as compared to a pt whom you have not known before. her daughter must be really upset; just yesterday she was chatting about auntie fondly, recounting how auntie likes to add one yr to her age everyday she is in the hospital. she doesnt seem to know how old she is, but she does like to say she is in her nineties (when she's in her eighties).

i feel so tired. no more tears le. i just hope, fervently, that auntie knew that she was loved and liked. and that she had gone on to a better place.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

life is about sleeping like a log, eating like a pig


hah its 2012 and i just woke up not to long ago.

*cat stretch* post post-call, still tired! i guess they were right to say post post call is tiring.

hey i changed my blogskin! thax huiling for painstakingly smsing me all the steps! (see jie, i also know how to change! haha u can't laugh at me now!) it feels abit funny to part with the old blogskin though, after all i have used it since i had a blog...

today was a rather creepy day. was rudely awakened in the midst of a deep sleep, as i thought i heard my alarm ringing.... first thought i had was that my alarm sounded different today! but i thought it may be the other alarm ringing (i set two clocks so that i don't oversleep) so didn't think much about it. as i shuffled to the bathrm to wash up, i glanced at the clock. 5.30am.


shook my head, rubbed my eyes, it was still 5.30am!

so i shuffled back to my room to stare at my alarm clock, only to see it has been set for 6.20am. hmm.

had an uneasy sleep afterwards. really wondered what happened. *shudders*

and when i went to sch later on, my mummie suddenly called me for no apparent reason. when i got home, she told me she thought she heard someone calling her mummie, and it sounded alot like me! that's why she called to make sure i was still in sch. wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so scary. time to hang some garlic around my neck.

it was the first day post-sip today, but i went back to nuh. have to say my goodbyes after all! in the end only told my mdm K that i was leaving. hmm she was not having a good day, looked so weak and sallow today! sure hope she isn't deteriorating just before her endarterectomy!!! sigh. she claims she wasn't afraid but i guess it's just bravado. how can anyone not be afraid!? hope she hangs in there!

it was a rather forlorn feeling back in nuh today. the ward was so empty! weren't that many ppl around, and no other sips in my ward! it was a lonely feeling. and many of the nurses weren't around either. =( liqi bought a nice big choc cake for the staff in w57, and it was really pretty!! and not to mention yummy. i think i am developing cake facies after all the cake i have eaten the past few days.

i felt dreadful when i walked out of w57 and up the hill, knowing that SIP really is over. ok, serious case of post-sip depression!!!!

gosh. i am still blue. i shall not blog anymore on this horrid day.

bah humbug!

Saturday, September 01, 2007

SIP cold turkey

wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my old bones are c-r-e-a-k-i-n-g. *squeak*

SIP is officially over! 1st September sure came really fast. hai. oh yar Happy Teacher's Day to LiQi and Huiling! and my papa.. aha =P *gives imaginary card and gift* =P

didnt have time to blog the last three days... really feels as if time has wings and is hurrying me along, i have exertional dyspnea le! currently having body-brain dissociation. ha. my brain is awake but my body is still asleep... *snores*

our HOs took us out to dinner on thursday! whee! it was a really fun outing, i think the good thing about SIP is you really get to know your seniors, quite like Medicamp! The day didn't start out too good (i walked into my bedroom's door and bumped my fingers and toes, so tired was I from the previous day) but luckily it ended well! We went to Riverside Indonesian Restaurant, and i actually felt quite brave that day! Drove in the end under duress! aha. though none of us who sat in my car actually knew the road we got there just fine. blame it on our impeccable sense of direction. *smirks*

it was a really good feeling to hang out on a weekday night and do nothing more stressful than talk rubbish! the food was good, company was excellent! i felt sooooooooooooooooo hungry i thought i can eat up the entire bbq platter! (thanks to the lacklustre free lunch we had that day... bah so disappointing! thursday free lunches used to be really gd =() i dunno why i have been labelled perpetually hungry by liqi... i protest! it's qingyuan who's always hungry at 12pm! ha. anyway we discovered a new bottomless pit among us! taadaa let's give a warm welcome to our bottomless yet slim miss esther leow! ha she practically polished off the entire plate of leftovers! while the guys just sat there and insist they couldn't eat another bite... tsk. i was helping to eat too! what's wrong with the world today... no wonder i am getting fat!

we wandered into a place called asylum after dinner for some drinks... and boy do i totally understand why it's called asylum!

u go in sane; u come out nutty.

the service was really really horrigible! (horrid + incorrigible) gosh! i think i can list it top of my list for really substandard service! hmm maybe it's a ploy they use to ensure they dont get many customers! so sneaky! *suspicious mind goes into overdrive* the timeline goes smthg like this:

0 min: ordered drinks
15 min: chatting away
30 min: some of us started fermenting
40min: generalised fermentation of the gang
50min: distillation of ethanol
1hr: discovered beer orders were taken and for some reason not registered on the asylumist's mind. GOSH!!!! perhaps it was taken for fun.... *roll eyes*

haiyo!!! poor ppl who ordered beer. think they were all rather sian about that! i was wondering why the alcoholic drinks are the last to come! my ice chocolate came much much much earlier... and yet this was more of a pub! *faintz*

it was during this asylum session that i discovered my chinese isn't that great after all. let's have a quiz: what do u call ur fringe? see below for answer.

for my entire life i have been referring to it as fringe. hahah correct what! i have never known what it is known as in chinese! and horrors of horrors, vic actually knows! ok er great. none of us from rv knew, not me not esther not lionel. let's all dig a hole and bury ourselves in shame. esp me, since dad teaches chinese. oops. when i came home and asked my sis, she didnt know either! so it's not my fault, i wasn't taught. must be my parents, never teach me tsk. haah my mum has totally horrified that i didn't know! she sneered at me lor. so bad!

carpooled back home at elevenish that night, it was the first time i drove so many ppl home! felt a great sense of responsiblity! luckily didn't have to put toothpicks in my eyes to stay awake! it's quite fun to go home together, eheh got ppl to chitchat with me! was really dead tired when i got home, and liqi threatened me with death if i were to blog that night... (me qingyuan and her on call the next day) ahha!

the last day of SIP didn't feel like the last day. Guess i didn't have much time to think about it as such. but i started feeling sad when nitecall started. it's my last call! didn't manage to follow liqi after all... cos clement decided not to turn up and liqi didnt feel good taking me away from delice and not giving her a replacement... started call at 7, and the first thing i remember doing is resus! wahhh... and this resus was more serious than the 1st one i saw. this poor pt has disseminated salmonellosis, he was prob vvvvvv sick already. sigh. SpO2 was dropping and he was bradycardiac and hypotensive! luckily he had a femoral catheter and so i was just standing there doing what i can do best: squeezing the normal saline fast! and it was during that when i noticed the patient had a drop of tear that was running down his face. really broke my heart. i wondered if he knew he was v ill, and whether he can actually hear us speaking. was it a coincidence? or was he feeling ill? or scared? or sad? or regretful? i have no clue. there was little i can do to offer comfort except to squeeze his hand. i wonder if he even knew we were there. really do hope he makes it in the end in ICU. =(

it was a crazy crazy crazy nite! we didnt manage to sleep at all! i think delice was vvvvvvvvvvv stressed, her hp rings every time she hangs up a call!! it was scary! it was almost as if the patients made a pact to be ill that day and came to the hospital hand-in-hand! i was quite scared when my ho and mo had to leave me to set a plug and take ultra super alot of blood from a lady... they had to go to another ward so i wasn't going to get any help if i had trouble! and it turned out to be quite a memorable experience:

the auntie was a very nice auntie, but i made the mistake of making small talk before i set plug.

"Hello auntie! Have to set plug ok! Take some blood from you also... you scared of pain?"


heart flopped onto the floor and languished.

"Auntie! Injection ok! dont move!"

at the word injection, my patient gave me a huge fright. she started screaming! gone was my calm, reasonable, conversant and normal looking patient, replaced by a screaming lady reminiscent of a banshee. oh gosh! i was under tremendous stress! and joline's words popped into my head: it's worse when the curtains are drawn and the pt is screaming! Cos other ppl would be wondering what u are doing!

How true.

so while my patient was screaming murder (it was already quite late at night), i was trying to set a plug. and being from a neuro ward i really don't have much practice and my success rate isn't that great in the 1st place.. had to take a calming breath, mentally blocked out her screaming, stabilise my trembling fingers (i think i have underlying plug-induced parkinsonism) and jab. and throughout the entire time that i was taking 25ml of blood from her, she didn't once stop screaming!!!

when i finally ended, i thought," this is it. i am so going to get scolded! to have caused so much pain!"

imagine my delight when my normal lady came back, and started smiling at me. oh gosh. and instead of scolding me, she beamed and thanked me! actually told me it was not that painful but she was just vvvvv scared of pain! and she was really happy that i only attempted it once. wah!!! auntie!!! u traumatised me u know!! i had a near STEMI! and i think she felt v apologetic. began to recount her horror stories, including one about a "i think it's a student" who had to poke me many many times. and in my heart i was thinking, oops, i am a student. ahah better dont let her know! she felt really bad for traumatising me i think, so much that she even called me a pretty dr when i was looking like smthg out of a toilet bowl, with my hair sticking out in all directions and my scrubs already bearing battle scars of the night (a gigantic iodine stain adorn my R knee region courtesy of a blood culture). Ha! but i really felt deliriously happy after that! imagine! i set a plug successfully! on a first try! under such trying circumstances! i was mighty pleased with myself after that, felt like superwoman! *flexes muscles* me=invincible. hee

1030pm brought me a surprise; esther actually came back to nuh to bring me cakes from coffeebean!!! so sweet of her!!! i have no idea why she is so nice, spoiling me! ahah. aw. felt really touched that she came back especially, and even brought it the the ward i was in! soooooooo very touched!!!! i felt very loved and pampered. haha. very paiseh that her parents drove her back to nuh... for the whole night after that i kept thinking of my cakes; yet i didnt have any time to eat them at all! wanted to share with liqi delice qingyuan they all, but there wasnt even time to drink water lor...

the night took a turn for the worse after that. so many so many cases to see! it all passed in a blur. there were many things to do in ward 61 alone! and my hairstyle just got more and more artistic and wild as the night wears on, and i keep having to don the nasty N95 masks! (my face is too fat; pls make bigger masks!) at around 4am, i was stuporous. trying to preclerk a case for delice, so i was plonked right in front of the computer and trying to pry my eyelids awake. can't remember how long i was there, but i only manage to write three sentences. and i counted: i nodded off a total of 8times! gosh! when delice took over, i inched to the table to rest my head. took off my specs to hold them in my hands, and the next thg i knew i almost dropped them cos i fell aslp. wah! it was really bad! i was tired, VERY hungry! i would have given anythg to sleep. in my deepest darkest hr, liqi appeared! armed with my fav iced milo! YAY! i could have kissed her feet. i was so thirsty my lips were cracking. really woke me up, cos liqi for some weird reason was still v awake! despite her busy social calendar... and she chop-chop went to take the bloods that i was sposed to take. sigh. what will i do without my ho. and then the nurses in the ward must have seen that i was sleepy, they started to gossip with me! and in the 5min gossip we had, i realised a startling truth. which of cos cant be mentioned. ha. it was truly an insight into the nurses' world..

daylight brought with it a weariness i couldnt describe. struggled to brush my teeth lest i become the cause of a resus case. ha. and then it was rounds! funnily enough, i became v wide awake while chatting with all my aunties. i shall miss them! couldnt bring myself to say it was my last day, and that i wont be seeing them anymore. sigh. Mdm N is actually smiling a little each morning now when i greet her, so sweet! and Mdm K is gg for an op on tues, i really regret i wont be around to be with her that day. i became zombie-fied when dr teoh finally came to round with us. i was a walking expressionless puppet. i was no help at all i think. i felt "valproated" haah. didnt even have strength to go take photos! in the end managed to take one with dr teoh and dr raymond.. we were all in blue! the 3 of us in scrubs and the drs in blue shirts. ahah.

hmm. i think i will go back tmr. one last round with liqi, and to say gdbye to my aunties. dont want to disappear without a word. SIP ended! i can't believe this. it must have been one of the most memorable times in my life.

ans to quiz: fringe=liu hai