
Sunday, September 16, 2007


yippee paeds osces are over! *do a little jig* muahah

the two weeks of "study break" sure flies by. and i fell sick a total of three times: sorethroat -> diarrhoea -> really bad flu. hmmm that must be a new record for me! maybe i should go check my T and B cells levels... ahah. ohh thanks EN i think we are all recovering! ahah but i have this sinking feeling i am barely holding the flu bug at bay... sigh. darn!

went to brewerkz for lunch today with the mugging gang... havent hang out with them in a long time! there's a nostalgic sense of familiarity... i guess you don't really realise how much you miss people and their little idiosyncrasies until you see them again. shared a pepperoni calzone with cris (my first ever calzone!!!! it looks so cute! like a giant curry puff!) wow can you imagine, me the fusspot eating something new for a change... i have decided to stop being so boring-safe-fussy, and try new things slowly. start with the normal-sounding ones first. heh. just dont ask em to eat sashimi. or snake. or brinjal. or rabbit. or deer. or... ok you get the point.

a conversation with greggie left me feeling rather disturbed! he was telling me that the percentage of guys who frequent geylang for you-know-what is more than i think. His estimate was a 20%. WHAT!??! that's shocking. and apparently there are people whom we both know who go to these places. wah. ok. alright. didn't know it's so rampant. looks like i need to hire a PI to keep an eye on my husband if i ever get married. *shakes head*

went out with vic to go shopping before we meet the hos for dinner... haah ended by walking around raffles city and gossiping and chit-chatting! i think our hearts weren't really into shopping oops. anyway i wonder how vic can still look so awake and chirpy, having only slept 2 hrs!!! wow. oh and i think i saw someone from my past whom i haven't seen in a long long time and was so surprised to see him that i didn't recover my sensibilities in time to call him. ah well.

the sip-treat-ho dinner was at curry favor, a place that serves japanese curry. sigh liqi couldn't make it at the last minute! poor girl was sick, i think it's due to ill-treatment at certain vascular dept in certain hospital. oh dear. and she is on call tmr still! this is scary. junior doctors are overworked, underpaid, and has no MCs. pathetic. at least the consultants are overworked and adequately paid (i think). sigh, the lives of unicellular organisms...

ha i think the restaurant is doing a roaring business! they managed to squeeze us in although they have an existing reservation of 21, and we ended up sitting in a really special place which makes it a very unique dining experience: the corridor (the back-alley). ok well, it's not the kind of sidewalk in front of the restaurant where customers usually dine, but the back of the restaurant! it looks suspiciously like we were plonked unceremoniously at the back cos there was really no more space... although ok lah it wasn't too bad cos it was air-conditioned and clean and didn't really look like a back-alley. i am just rather amused. hee. and i realised all the hos were feeling miserable at their respective postings! heard so many horror stories! everyone misses NUH! i can foresee them making NUH their permanent home in the near future...

after dinner was a nightmare; the whole world is out on a saturday night! there wasn't a place that could accommodate all of us, in the end we walked and walked and jay-walked (with lots of screams and excitement) and ended up in ---------------- thai express. haha i know very duh right! but that's the best place we can find! and by the time haagen dazs called to tell us they have seats for us, we couldn't extricate ourselves anymore. Cos the thai express waiter was hovering around waiting to take orders, and we have already drunk their water. oops. i wonder what would have happened if we upped and left. bloodshed i expect. ha =P

there was a mini scuffle at the cashier when i tried to pay for the drinks. and i lost! *wails* haha joline (despite being ill and sniffly) tailed me to the cashier and managed to convince the cashier to hand her my card and take hers instead!!! wah i feel like such a failure *buries face* but i will learn. stealth is the only way to prevent the hos from paying for you. haah really, i wonder how they earn any money at this rate! i feel soooooooooooo bad.

by the time we left, almost everyone had zonked out. vic has this glossy-eyed appearance and was giving the impression of listening except that she confessed nothing was going in! and laurence was turning glassy-eyed too! (incidental finding: laurence's mum used to own a bookshop in my neighbourhood! what a small world!) hee. and almost all the hos were either pre- or post-call!!! oh man, feel so touched that they turned up despite their busy schedules! must find another day to treat our ho though... i felt like an abandoned child today without my ho!

ok time to sleep. and forget about all the calories that i have chalked up today. it's really time to start gymming again, urticaria or not. anyway my dr has given me the go-ahead, with the caution to take it slow! no more fast run on the treadmill then. i shall crawl. haah.


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