
Saturday, October 27, 2007


It was with shock that i read the news that a junior of mine just passed away from cancer.

I remembered him fondly as one of the juniors i had truly taken to, had liked him for his "real-ness", his unpretentious-ness, his easy-going nature, his cute chubby yet extremely likeable face. In council, there are always the nominal hip-cool-funky crowd who loves attention, and the real "background" workers who did their job in all earnestness and are contented to stay out of the limelight. He strikes me as just this kind of person.

I wouldn't go so far as to say I was extremely close to him, and indeed, I have not seen my juniors for the greater part of 5 years since graduating from JC. But it just seems like yesterday when I stood outside the council room, laughing, joking and biding him goodbye. I never did know that would be the last I may ever see of him again.

I cannot even begin to imagine what he must have gone through, and the grief his family must be dealing with now.

We live our lives in such a way that death seems a very far and abstract, even alien notion. True, I have had my loved ones passing on before, but yet this had always been associated with old age and a well-spent life. To think of someone younger than me passing on, at this age of 22, is shocking and unacceptable. Especially when he was someone I knew, liked, respected.

I would remember you always, David. Be at peace.


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