
Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Lowest Paid Dregs of the Hospital Pond

I am finally a house-officer! YAY!

No longer stuck in the stay-in-wards-till-6-go-home-still-mz-mug mode.

Welcome to the round-at-0730-latest-go-home-by-8-hopefully-and-maybe-will-have-time-to-eat-lunch-go-toilet-drink-water HOship!

Frankly speaking, it’s the 5th official day of work and I am EXHAUSTED. But in a sadistic kind of way, I am kind of enjoying my work. There’s really a kind of a home-coming feeling going back to work where I used to do SIP! Although it really is very different from the internship days when I just happily trail Liqi and pretend to look very indispensable grabbing files and filling out neuro forms hah. =P

I can’t really think of a reason why I feel like I have heaps to do! I can’t wait for SIPs to come in *rubs hands in evil glee* but then, I also dread losing face in front of them. I can just imagine…

“Dr Dr! Please ink up some fleet enema for patient!”

“Eh? Er how to write ah…” --- spastic reply.

Oh well. Can’t be bothered lah! I can only tell myself this is the year to learn! Nevermind if I seem stupid and foolish, just remain upbeat! And hope I don’t get so severely scolded by year end that I end up in ward 12. hah!

At least I have nice colleagues! The nurses, ward clerk and the med team are all pretty nice. Imagine working with someone you can’t stand… gosh. I may explode from all the unspoken words!

I finally understand why people spend so much effort making lists of their patients. There’s something really satisfying about knowing your patients well, and really, it does them a whole world of good! And it makes doing discharge summaries so much faster and easier. Oh no. I am showing signs of workaholism. I need time to go speed-dating one lor. *grumbles*

Some idiot banged my car and ran away!!!! O^##$%(^&%(#^q#$%#$&*#^q DON’T LET ME FIND OUT WHO U ARE. UI$#&*(^()$^#Q^$)&#^$*&#^Q$&*)Q#^$)Q I hope u have nightmares tonight!!!!!! GRRR.


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