
Saturday, November 10, 2007


Bah. It's Sunday! And i am on-call!!!!! AGAIN!!!

Why do my HOs have all their calls on sunday...

House-elves need holidays! (hermione! where r u!)

Ok lah, actually i shldn't grumble, this has not been too bad a week. Considering our team didn't have that many changes and there was Deepavali in the middle of the week (which we only had to be around for half a day), it was practically holiday season compared to last week! And of course, not forgetting we had an honorary house-elf with us!!! (yay thx grandboss!) and we actually went home before the sky turned dark on friday! FWAH. Xtine and I were ecstatic when we saw the almost-but-not-yet-dark skies!

and our HOs treated us to a meal! haah we felt bad, really. Firstly because we haven't exactly done much for the new HOs, and secondly because we ditched our old HO on the day he needed us the most--- his birthday! I think this is his way of trying to drown us in guilt! Oops. Nah, i shan;t feel bad, considering the changes for his current team is almost non-existent and he can afford to go out and eat AND take naps!!!! *jealous*

i personally feel that i am developing Mushy Brains. i can feel my system shutting down during ward rounds... can't think. can't remember, and i am bradykinesic too. A sure sign of aging. And I guess the group dynamics is just not the same as before, we do miss our old MO who would always make us feel like we are extremely useful. (actually we aren't, but it sure feels nice to be appreciated!) and it's always nice to have another friendly face in the team.

two more weeks to go, hopefully we can have lunch at normal hours this week! and not at 6pm!

*wish and wish*


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